Friday, October 23, 2009

My Sec 1 Experience

One year has passed since I first stepped into Hwachong Institution to further my studies. Life here have been very enjoyable and fun. I have experienced many different things here, the new programmes, different teachers, and of course the new demerit point system which was not present in my primary school.

One of the system that I really enjoy is the exemption of examinations for certain subjects if you do really well in the subject before in various class tests. This allows us to focus more on subjects we are weak in, and score better in that subject. Unlike some of the more clever people, I was only exempted for 1 subject. However, because of that, I felt that I could concentrate better on other subjects.

Another term that I did not do very well in my tests was term 3. I have only gotten a 2.67, however, I could feel that I could have done much better. I suppose that I was too proud as my term 2 grades were quite good at 1.00. I have learnt from this that I cannot be proud as this would only lead to my downfall. Like English, my teacher had told me not to be proud and complacent, however, I turned a deaf ear to it and gotten an undesirable score.

My CCA this year(probably the rest of the years as well), is Scouts. I have placed Scouts as one of my top choices and I am very happy to have been chosen into it. Life at Scouts was very enjoyable and fun. I have learnt many new things that I would not have learnt joining another CCA. I have also achieved a scout standard at the end of this year and I am very happy about that. I believe that I would continue scouts after I leave Hwachong Institution( hopefully for the Hwachong college).

Another "memorable" thing that happened this year is when I gotten my very first demerit point. I was playing with one of my classmates loudly and was unfortunately caught by one of the teachers there. They complained that we were behaiving very badly and warned us that we would get demerit point for our unruly behaiviour. I was very worried then, but after much thought, I realised that I deserved that demerit point as I was indeed very rowdy then.

And on another occasion, I arrived late for assembly with most of my classmates and was scolded by the teacher-in-charge. I had actually thought that there was no assembly as it was raining, however, when I reached the terraces, we realised trhat there was actually assembly and that we are late. However, due to some unexpected kindness from the teacher in charge, we were let off with severe warnings but no demerit points. From this, I have learnt that there is no harm in checking whether there is assembly. Do not jump to conclusions that just because there is a light drizzle, we can skip assembly.

Overall, life was fun at Hwachong Institution. There were ups and downs, but ultimately, we benefit from these scoldings and teachings. I have really enjoyed my first year at HCI and I look foward to another fruitful year when I am in secondary 2.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Family expectations

1. My parents expectations of me:

I think that like most parents would, my parents expect me to try my best in every thing I do and hopefully get good grades. Also, like most typical parents, my parents expect m to behave well in school as well as at home even though I am not always like that. Other expectations include like " be more sensible" , " be more organised" , " don't get into trouble" . These are quite expected of most parents.

2. Expectations I will have of my child( if I have one) when I grow up:

I would think my epectations of my child would be of no difference to the expectations my parents have for me. Every parent would want the best of their child and I sould think there would not be any difference in my expectations in comparision with my parents'.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Book Review

The book I am reviewing is " The arrival". This book is extremely interesting as it is a graphic novel. Now, Let me try to explain the story. This story is separated into 5 parts.

Part 1: A man, whom I presume is the protagonist of the story, has woken up and is packing his luggage. He is about to leave his family. His family has breakfast and the man sets off on his journey. The picture then zooms out to see many monsters in his town. He then boards the train, leaving his wife and daughter crying.

Part 2: The man eats something and looks out of the window. The picture zooms out and and we realise that the man is actually on a ship.We then see many different kinds of cloud which means alot of time has pass. The picture also shows many people have also boarded the ship to escape from that town.Soon, they arrive at the city. They see many strange creatures and buidings there. However, it seemed much more peaceful than their town.The people then alight and queue up to enter the new city. The custom officers there checked his eyes, his mouth, his ears, his heartbeat before allowing him to enter. We then see the man looking out of another window and the picture zoom out to see that he was in a kind of machine that would fly him of to another place. We also see that many other people are flying there too. He alights and reaches a whole new place.He sees many wierd creatures and food and characters. He is lost. he suddenly finds some directions on the floor and he looked at his book. There are many symbols on it. A man comes and asked him a few questions. He drew a bed on his book and asked the man to bring him there. He reached the place and he payed some money for a nights stay.He experiments with the things there and found a strange creature lying on his bed. Another window is seen and we can see that many people are living in that place as well. Lastly, the picture zooms out and we can see how big the city is.

Part 3: This part starts off with the man waking up and seeing that creature on his bed again. He seemed very scared. He then washes up and sets off to find directons for something. He wanted to take another form of transport somewhere else.He meets a girl and asks her how to get a ticket on board the machine.The helpful girl then helped him obtain a ticket and they board the machine. They sit together and the girl starts talking about why she arrived on this island. The girl was captured by a man who took her book, locked it up and forced her to do work for him. She worked day and night wothout any rest with other girls. Every night, she was locked up in a room. Once, she found a spade and pried the door open. She then took back her book and escaped on a train to the island. They have arrived and the girl bid the protagonist farewell. The man looked around for something to eat. He drew a loaf of bread on his book and showed it to the shopkeeper. However, he did not ubderstand and brought him several other food instead. He and his son even let the protagonist try some of it. The son even offered to bring the man back home.On the boat, the man saw a tail similar to the tail of the creature attacking his town. However, it turned out to be the young boy's pet. The shopkeeper than explained why they came to this island. It appeared back in their town. giants have been using machines to suck up their people.The father and son were lucky enough to find a place to hide and only came up when the giants were gone. Another man found them and gave them directions to escape. The man and son found a boat there and they sailed all the way to this island. When they reached to shopkeeper's house, his wife took the ingredients and prepared food for them.The family then played an instrument each after the meal. The protagonist instead taught the young boy how to make origami. The shopkeeper's family then gave a pot to the protagonist as a gift.

Part 4: The protagonist wakes up and prepares breakfast for himself and his pet. He then goes around finding a job but to no avail. Then, he sees a man putting up posters and offers to help him.However, in the end, he realises he have put it up the wrong way. Next, he does a post job. And later, a job of making ceramic. He sees an old man and the man tells him why he came to this island.When he was young, he went to war but they did not win and his wife was killed. Feeling sad, he came to this island.

Part 5: The man writes a letter to his family.After many months, his family returns a letter informing him that they would be going over to that island.The man was very happy and the family reunited and they lived happily ever after.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Song lyrics

I do not usually listen to English songs, but if there is a song that describe me best, it would be a song that describes a rash person. I find myself a very rash person. Every time I see something, I would rush to do it, without thinking of the consequences. For example, each time I want to buy something that I like, I would just buy it, not thinking if I really need it or if it is too expensive. Also, sometimes when I am playing with my friends, I do not consider if they really want to play or if "playing" with him in this way would hurt him.

Friday, July 3, 2009

poem analysis c)

One-Dollar Gambler

I have one dollar to bet on number 13
One dollar for a loaf of bread
With a piece of ham, sandwiched between two slices of tomato.
One dollar for a hot milk tea
Before work time starts.
One dollar for some paper and ink
And some knowledge for a blind man.
One dollar each morning,
One dollar each night and for each brick I laid.
But, I bet one dollar. The counter closed
The next day number 13 appeared
In the middle of my drowsy eyes
On top of my nose
Or somewhere in between the hollowness
Of my empty hands.
I now have zero dollars to bet
Zero dollars for bread, tea, paper, ink and bricks!
Zero dollars, again, for number 13.

by Phan Thi Nam Mai

Again this poem shows how you can lose everything you have or you can have in just one gamble. The author here shows that he has a dollar to spend on different things like a loaf of bread with ham and tomatoes, something that is really important to him. However, he loses that one dollar after gambling and is now left with nothing at all

poem analysis b)

The Green Clothes

The colourful tips,
The smoke,
The dry lips,
The tired voice, “No more bets”
The hands,
Erratic sights,
Constrained tones,
Mesmerizing lights,
Twenty eight seconds of roulette’s spin
Nervously jigging ball
The clothes are green
Somewhere, in another world,
The ringing of falling coins
and obtrusive melody: “Tu-ru-ru-ruuuu”….
These are very, very far.
His body, glance, nerves,
Brain, space and time are
Condensed in the small ball,
Which is trembling in the circle.
Dryness in the throat. That is all:
Morning, 4:48, emptiness … .
The blazing desire to win back,
To take revenge, to bring back
The nerves, the time, the brain
And all that was spent in vain.

by Gulnara Karimova

This poem shows how addictive gambling can be. Despite the author being so tired , he wants to continue gambling to recover his loss. "The ringing of falling coins
and obtrusive melody: “Tu-ru-ru-ruuuu”….
These are very, very far."
These few lines also emphasises how winning in a gamble in so difficult

poem analysis a)

Tom Beatty-

I was a lawyer like Harmon Whitney
Or Kinsey Keene or Garrison Standard,
For I tried the rights of property,
Although by lamp-light, for thirty years,
In that poker room in the opera house.
And I say to you that Life’s a gambler
Head and shoulders above us all.
No mayor alive can close the house.
And if you lose, you can squeal as you will;
You’ll not get back your money.
He makes the percentage hard to conquer;
He stacks the cards to catch your weakness
And not to meet your strength.
And he gives you seventy years to play:
For if you cannot win in seventy
You cannot win at all.
So, if you lose, get out of the room—
Get out of the room when your time is up.
It’s mean to sit and fumble the cards,
And curse your losses, leaden-eyed,
Whining to try and try

This poem shows how you can never win in a gamble and that the banker will meet your weakness in order not to let you win. The author also shows how he was a lawyer before but ever since he started gambling, he lost everything he had. This further shows how bad gambling is and how you can lose everything you have just by gambling.

Lesson 4 (b)

Ah Boh was too addicted to gambling, buying lottery tickets in her case. She resorted to different means to get numbers which she thinks are " lucky " and bets on them. She strongly believes in luck and that one day she would win some money.

She is always very excited about different events or accidents. For example, if there were a car accident, she would rush to the scene to get the number of the car plate which she presumes to be lucky.She also weighs her neighbbour's cat to find out its weight and even bet on the number. Another shocking thing is that she does not pay her respects to her dead husband and instead asks him for some numbers so that she can win some money.

She is too addicted to getting the numbers that she does not even care about the live or death of the people involved in the car accident or even respect her husband when he is dead.

Lesson 4 (a)

I am unable to post on Mr Balan's website, so I am writing my views here.

I feel that the main cause of Paul's death was his Uncle Oscar. He was the one who encouraged him to bet on horses and cause him to get addicted to it. As an adult, he himself should not be addicted to it and even if he is, he should not encourage Paul to gamble and even " try" to get the winning horse from God.

However, the garderner, Bassett was at fault too. He should not have allowed Paul to start betting on horses and resulting in him being addicted to it. He helped him keep his money and even became partners with him, letting him think that it is not wrong to bet on horses

Paul's mother is partly at fault too. She led Paul into thinking that they did not have money because they are unlucky. This caused paul to think that he is lucky and he must help his mother earn some money.

This story also shows how people will get addicted to gambling. The house" whispered" that they needed money at first because they were poor and they needed the money to survive. However, when paul got a lot of money, the house seemed to " shout" that they needed more money. This shows how Paul wanted even more money as he started to win money.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My views on casinos in Singapore

I personally feel that building casinos in Singapore has its pros and cons. First let us start with its pros. It is good because it provides jobs for people, attracts tourists to Singapore, and also earn money for Singapore. Many jobless people would have new jobs and more tourists will come. This is not a bad thing too.

However, with the pros comes the cons. gambling itself is already a terrible and addictive thing. I am sure Singapore banned it at first to prevent Singaporeans from being addicted to gambling. With this new casino, more people will visit it and in turn get addicted to it and soon, many problems will arise. But, based on the information I have gathered, people are able to ban their family members from entering the casino. If you fear your family members from being addicted to it, you can call them to ban your family members.

My views on lotteries in Singapore

I feel that lottery is not a good thing as it is very addictive. It makes people think that they can strike rich just by buying one ticket and hoping that they can win the money. However, how many chances are there for you to win? Very little. In fact some people would probably buy on a few dollars, and when they win, they would want to buy another ticket of higher value, but they end up winning nothing. This goes on as they think that since they had already won the first time, they should be able to win again and they dream of it coming true.

In the youtube video, the man said to his daughter" My luck is changing, I am going to strike a big one. Just one last try. I will return it back to you". This is probably the fifth time he is saying it. The gamblers are so addicted to the game that they tell lies over and over again to buy lottery tickets, wishing that they would strike rich one day. He even says that his luck is changing, and he is going to strike a big one. he is most likely just wishing that he would strike it big. Nobody can tell whether you have the luck or not.

Next, we move on to the girl. By the looks on her face, the father has borrowed money from her many times, and despite his promises to give her back the money, she never gets it back. Isn't it ironic that a parent has to borrow money from his child?Even when she is so young? We can see that gambling, or even buying a lottery ticket is addictive and will harm not only yourself, but your family.

Monday, June 29, 2009

My favourite poet

The poems which I would be most interested read would be ones written by this poet, Lorine Niedecker. Based on my information, she have worked as a library assistant before, as well as a stenographer and proofreader for Hoard's Dairyman, and a cleaning woman. She married at the age of 25, but broke up and later remarried at the age of 60. She was also a rather shy lady I would say as her relatives and neighbours did not even know that she was writing poems.

Based on the above facts, we can see that she has experienced many things in her life and I personally feel that her poems would be very different and unique from other poems. Her poems were not very good at first, but they improved at the later part of her life. Critics have even said that she has good ,vivid imagery, and spare language. Some of her poems include Blue Chicory (1976), From This Condensery: The Complete Writings of Lorine Niedecker (1985), and The Granite Pail: The Selected Poems of Lorine Niedecker (1985).

Favourite poem

I found this poem on the internet:
A Dream Within A Dream by Edgar Allan Poe
Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow--
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand--
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep--while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?

The poem uses various techniques of figurative language in it. They used hyperbole by stating that the sand was golden, emphasising the importance of it. The poem also used personification on the sand stating how they "creep" through his fingers.

I like this poem because it is very mysterious and says many things about a dream and how everything might just be a dream. It is also very interesting as it uses many literary skills in it too. I think the poem is about him trying to save someone or something. He is trying to stop something from going away, but it just slips through his hands, like the sand.

Monday, June 22, 2009

4th book review

The 4th book I have read in the school holidays is " Slumdog millionaire". The book is about how an indian boy from the slums, Ram Mohammad Thomas enters a game show and won 1ooo,ooo,ooo rupees even though he did not had any education before. He was then suspected for cheating in the game show.

The story starts off with him getting arrested for winning the game show and being tortured to make him " confess" what he has done. Later, a lawyer called Smita came to bail him out and wants to help him. The story then starts when Smita plays the video of him in the game show answering a question. After that, she would pause it and Ram mohammad Thomas would tell her a part of his life that made him know the answer to the questions.

I find this story very interesting as Ram had experienced many things despite being boy from the slums. The story's structure is also a refreshing change as it jumps from different part of his life.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

3rd book review

My third book is a fantasy book, called " the city of bones". The protagonist, Clary, was seemingly an ordinary girl but she found out at the age of eighteen that she could actually see shadowhunters, a group of people who kills demons, and nobody else can. She soon also finds out that her mother was also a shadow hunter and have gone into hiding when a monster came to attack her. She was then send to an institute for shadowhunters.

Later, in the institute, she meets and befriends many people, and recover part of her lost memory from a warlock. She helps the institute retrieve a very important cup, but soon finds out that it was stolen again.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

2nd book review

The second book that I have read over the holidays is " Adrian Mole, The Cappuccino Years". It is of the same series as the book of my previous book review. Adrian Mole is now aged 30 and is the father of a kid. However, problems arise for him as well. He gets divorced, and he seeks jobs as a celebrity offal chef. His parents have problems with their marriage and got divorced as well. His show on offal is not going very well but his childhood friend got to become a minister. And at the end of the story, even his whole house got burnt down. However, there are good events that happened in the story. His book on offal did pretty well although it was actually written by his mother.

I find this book a refreshing change from the previous one as the diary is now written in the point of view as an adult and not a teenager.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Book review on ' The growing pains of Adrian Mole'

I have read this book over the school holidays and this is a review on it. This book is written in the format of a diary of Adrian Mole, very much like the format of ' Nothing but the truth' . It does not seem to have a specific plot, but the events which are taking place are indeed the pains of Adrian as the slowly matures.

He starts to experience different changes within his body. His parents also broke up, leaving him very worried. Next, his parents gave birth to another child, named rosie, and starts to neglet him. He feels surprised that Rosie gats applauses for doing someting very little. Finally, he could not tolerate it any more and he ran from home. However, even when he is away from home, he desperately seeks attention by reporting to the police that ' a boy named Adrian Mole was missing'.
He is also a boy who loves poems and wants his poems to be known.

I feel that this book is very interesting as it is purely written in a diary form and the story goes only from Adrian's point of view.I look foward to reading more books of this series.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

organ trading

In singapore, there is an increasing number of people dying of organ failures. Not only that, there are very little people willing and kind enough to donate their organs to these victims. Therefore, there are many people resorting to illegal organ trading.

Some people feel that it will be very unfair to the poorer people who have organ failures as they would not have money to buy an organ if organ trading is legalised. however, if this is legalised, many lives would be saved.

Personally, i feel that organ trading should be legalised. There are people out there and thus, should not we do something to help them? in this way, we will be able to save many lives. Some people may think that poorer people cannot afford it, but the government can always regulate the price. Therefore, if the donors know what they are doing, it is perfactly save to legalise organ trading.

character analysis of Hari

Hari is a responsible person as he takes up the role of his drunkard father who has no ability to take care of the family. he worries for his sisters as well as the financial difficulties the family is facing. This is evident from this phrase. 'He must have a job if he was to find his sisters a way out of this dark, gloomy house and the illness and drunkenness and hopelessness' (pg 67).

Hari also cares for his family. For his family, he labours hard everyday to earn some money for his family and his sickly mother. For example, he works in the fields everyday, plucks coconut for some money, and even fish by the shores of the sea even though he knew he could not find any fish there. He is also willing to go to bombay, a strange place to him to hopefully find a job there and send money back to his family.

Hari is also a far-sighted boy. He knows that his two younger sisters would have to be married off one day and also knows that his father would not see to it. Therefore, he decides that he would have to earn more money as the grooms would demand all kinds of expensive gifts.

All the examples given above shows that Hari is a boy that cares very much for his family and is very responsible.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Book review on VBTS

Village by the sea is a book which mainly talks about the life of Hari as well as his family. Hari is a boy who comes from a very poor family. He later goes with the villagers of Thul to Bombay to protest about the new factory that was going to be built in Thul. However, later, he was left alone in Bombay and started to earn money there. Later, he goes back to Thul with his earned money and discovers that his sickly mother has been cured and his father had turned over a new leaf.

This novel is like a fairytale where the protagonists 'live happily ever after'. 5 themes can be found from this book mainly benefactors, poverty and wealth, urban and rural India, family and change and adaptation. Therefore, I found this novel very entertaining as I read on about Hari's adventure.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

interview on books

Interview of Mother:

The book that she can still remember till now is the Diary of Anne Frank. "She finds the story very touching. When she read it the first time, she was as old as Anne Frank and despite the hardships anne frank faced, she managed to survive. Through the diary, she managed to undersand and learn of the history of the time af anne frank. It also taught her the importance of peace and racial harmony and loyalty and all other values.. Therefore, she found it very enrinching.

Monday, March 9, 2009

'website' on what Phillip Malloy had gone through

What I have gone through this year:

Hi there people. I have started this website to pen down my thoughts and feelings over this year. I guess I am already quite 'famous' for the chaos I have caused, and the first thing I would like to do in this website is to apologise to my past teachers and school. To Harrison School District: I would like to apologise for my past actions. I have caused you much trouble and is feeling deeply remorse. I apologise profusely especially to the wonderful teacher that got fired because of me: Ms Narwin. From the bottom of my heart to Ms Narwin-- I am very sorry.

Talk again next time,

Back again. I would like to talk about my on Tuesday, March 13. It was this day that Coach Jamison asked me to be on his track team. At that moment, I was feeling so happy as wel as excited as I thought that I might even go into the olympics. Ha. Wishful thinking on my part. I have found out after much pondering that I was indeed very imature then. I was too conceited with my 'achievements' and even thought that I will be the champion of various competitions. It was ridiculous. I thought that I was a running prodigy or something. In the end, due to my bad grades, I did not even get into the track team.

Another incident that happened today was when I found out that Allison likes me. I thought that she liked me because I was so funny and humorous and that I was very sporty. I even created something to describe myself, 'malloy magic'. This was such a lame thinking. By creating more jokes and letting the teachers feel annoyed, Allison slowly hated me.

These two incidents taught me not to be so conceited and boastful as they might 'lead to my downfall' Last but not least, from the bottom of my heart to Ms Narwin-- I am very sorry.

Talk again next time,

Back again. I would like to talk about the days before and after my English test. I was suppose to do a review on the book, The Call of the wind, and I found out that I actually slept and did not read at all. This made me feel annoyed and I thought that there might be an easier way to pass this test. I decided that I could get a good grade if I can get Ms Narwin to laugh at my answer. Thinking about it now, I find myself very dumb then. The only way to get a good grade was to study hard. I should have made use of the time to al least do some last minute work instead of thinking of what answers can make Ms Narwin laugh. Looking at my paper, I do not know if I should laugh or cry.

From this, I have learn to be more hardworking as hardwork IS indeed the most important factor for us to excel. Last but not least, from the bottom of my heart to Ms Narwin-- I am very sorry.

Talk again next time,

Wednesday, March 28. It was this day when all the madness started. I can still remember that it was a B day. When the national anthem started playing, I just started humming the anthem despite specific instructions from Dr. Doane that we were supposed to stand in respectful silence. As a matter of fact, I did not even realise I was humming until Ms Narwin asked me to stop. However, after Ms Narwin told me to stop humming, I purposely hummed to make her annoyed. I so should not have done that. When I went home, I even related the whole incident to my parents, despite the fact that I was actually in the wrong. I also made a big fuss that she yelled at me.

Today Allison wanted to sit with me on the bus. However, I was feeling upset about me unable to get onto the track team and ignored her. I was so upset and that added to my anger.

Talk again next time,

March 29. I started humming again. This time, I did not listen to Ms Narwin and carried on humming. In the end, I got sent to Dr. Palleni. I could have taken the easier and more practical way out, but I decided to choose the hard way--suspension. It was all due to my stubborn behaviour that caused this unthinkable and horrendous incident. I felt that I was not in the wrong and did not think that Ms Narwin was only doing her job. I even lied that I sang the national anthem, when I was only humming to myself. I really do not know why I wanted to let the situation become big.

I related the incident again to my parents, and I can't believe how they ask me to stand up for my own rights. They did not even stand up for themselves! I should never have done this thing just for mischief. I never knew how big the impact would be.......

Talk again next time,

Friday,March 30. Yeah, sang the national anthem again and BOOM, got sent to Dr Palleni's office. He gave me two choices, apologise to Ms Narwin or get a two day suspension. Being stubborn that I was not in the wrong, I obviously chose the two day suspension. Dr. Palleni called my parents down and told them on how I broke the school rules. All I was thinking then was that Ms Narwin was in the fault and did not think that I was in the fault too. The school rules stated that we were not supposed to make any noise when the national anthem is being played, but I still hummed it. As a matter of fact, Ms Narwin was only doing her job and following the school rules. This incident caused so many people to be upset. However, this was only the beginning and there was more that was going to happen in the two day suspension.

Talk again next time,

During the two day suspension, my father brought me over to our neighbour, Ted Griffen, who was running for the school board. I did not want to get into further trouble, but my father insisted on me telling him the story. What a coincidence, ted Griffen was talking to a reporter. He figured that this story would get him on the school board and thus wanted me to relate the story to Jennifer Steward, the reporter. And while telling the story, I actually added in fabrications like how I sang it when I actually hummed it, and how I said I was patriotic when I actually was unaware I was humming.

The strange thing is that after relating these to the reporter, I did not feel good about it. I felt that I was right, everybody felt I was right, but I did not feel happy or glad. Instead, I felt that I have done something wrong. Even up till now, I cannot explain why I felt that way. Anyway, I did not feel good about it. Maybe my conscience or something.

Talk again next time,

April fools. This incident became public. I did not believe it at first and thought that it was only an April fools trick. However, there really is an article on me. They mentioned that the school did have a rule that does not allow students to sing or even hum the national anthem. But based on what I have gathered from interviewed teachers, they said that there was no such rule. From this, I can know that the news is indeed slanted towards my side of the story to make it more interesting.

When I read the article, I got the same feeling again. I did not feel happy or glad when I read the article, but felt sad and moody instead. Despite this, I did not change and even wanted Ms Narwin to get fired because of this article.

Talk again next time,

Things have passed so quickly. I recieved many messages, got transferred to Mr Lunser's class, Ms Narwin retired. And before I knew it, I went into Washington academy. There, my secret was exposed and I became from famous to infamous. Nobody would play with me or even sit close to me. This caused me to regret telling such a lie then and getting myself into such a big mess.

For people who is still unclear of the outcome of this incident, here it is. I have been telling a huge lie and now, it has been exposed. Harrison Highschool is a very good school. I apologise for the mistake I have made.

Last and final post,

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Personally, I feel that it is very good of the teachers to insist on us that we must have a school blog. By constantly putting up new blogs, it can improve our English as well as let us write down what we think about some things happening around us. It has also made things much more easier for us and the teachers as we can just post our ACE projects online.

However, there are some bad things about having us to post our projects online. Sometimes, it is very difficult to post more advanced objects onto the blog, for example a table, and we might not be able to do the project as well as if we did it on a hard copy and handed it up to the teachers.

There are also good things about the blog too. It helps us improve on perhaps our composition skills as by publishing posts, we are actually in a way practising on our writing skills. If we really put our heart into writing a blog post, it will help a lot in writing our compositions. By posting advanced items on the blog, it can also train our computer skills. Blogging has also served as my hobby of some sort as I can 'pen' down my thoughts into it.

If you were to sit down and think, you will find out we actually benefit a lot from blogging.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


The past week, Clarence went to compete in the 'A new generation of loquacious English speakers",
ANGLES, competition. His topic was on Singaporean kiasuism. Boon or bane. I personally felt that his speech was really excellent and I would never be able to speak like that in front of all the secondary 1 level.

The contestants had to present a prepared speech as well as an impromptu speech. Clarence did really well in the prepared speech section and also did pretty well in the impromptu speech. His impromptu speech was on facebook.

I feel that speaking in front of a large crowd is very frightening. Many people might get stage fright when they have to do something in front of many people. I feel that clarence is indeed very brave, to be able to give such a speech. I on the other hand, will even feel that my hands turn clammy when I went for the DSA interview. Facing a panel of judges is scary enough, what's more, a large crowd of people.

Cheers to Clarence.


In the past week, time seemed to have passed very quickly for me. In this week, our class received many test paper and I am not very sure why myself, but the days seem to pass in a flash.

Time is very precious. You cannot stop it or reverse it. Many people would love to control time, even me. As someone had mentioned in the ANGLES finals, people writing about time machines, thinking about time machines, is a proof of man's desire to control time. Time seem to pass quickly when we are having fun, but seem to drag its feet when we are waiting for something or someone. However, isn't it true that everyone has 24h, and how people use it is all up to them.

We must use our time wisely. Time never waits for man. Spend your time doing meaningful things even after finishing your work, or watch the television and rush your homework last minute. You decide.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My reading habits

Although I read a large variety of books, I would prefer to read fictional stories to other books. Liked reading fantasy ever since I was a child. One of my favourite series is the Percy Jackson series where an 'ordinary' boy called Percy finds out that he is actually the son of a mortal human and the greek God Poseidon. In the first book, he embarks on a journey to find the ost weapon of the God Zeus.

Another genre of books which I like to read is adventure and thriller. I enjoy reading the Alex Rider series, where a teenager is asked to be a spy of some sort. In every book, he goes on a new adventure or mission where he encounters many dangers.

That is about it. Visit my electronic bookshelf at

Diary entry from Philip's point of view entitled. "Why Did I Do It?"

Why did I do it:
Today was my first day in school. Things have gone really wrong. Really bad. The students there found out that I actually did not know how to sing the American National Anthem. All the students hate me. Nobody is willing to have lunch or seat with me. I so should not have gone against Narwin. If only I had not lie just to get at Narwin, I would not have been in this mess. If only I could reverse time... Why did I actually say that I sang the anthem when I was just humming? To get at Narwin? Bad mistake. In fact many of the students like Narwin despite her bad sense of humour. Don't know what to do...

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Advance technology

In the old days, to send a message to someone overseas, it would most probably take a few days. But what if it is a very important message? That could not be helped. However, with modern technology, a mail to someone overseas is merely a click away. Modern technology had enabled us to have easier and more convenient way of communication. You can type a message from Singapore to America and it would only take a few minutes. People use these ways of communication to do business with clients overseas. A simple click on the 'send' button can let the client receive a brief introduction on your product or the price you are willing to pay for a certain product etc. With modern technology, you can even chat or 'msn' your friends or clients. It has indeed allowed better and easier communication.To place an order for a certain item in a shop is also much easier now. You do not need to go down to the shop yourself, but just make a phone call to place your reservations. To contact your friends, you can just pick up the phone and make a phone call.

However, with these new technology and inventions, many bad things happen as well. People can make use of the mail system to trick money from naive old people who are not internet savvy. They also make use of these technology to defame and spam other people. They think that by defaming others online and putting their name as anonymous, people would not find out who they are. However, that is a wrong concept. No matter what you do on the internet, you can always be tracked down. By checking the IP address of your computer, they can track down the person who committed the crime. Spamming. Many people spam others for fun of for advertising purpose. This can cause irritation of many people and also make people feel uncomfortable. Examples of spamming are mails that are send to you over and over again although they are not related to you.

Therefore, I agree that although the advanced technology is good, paople still have to respect the important rules online.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

8 things you can do to help your child sail through school part 2

Myth 5: My has to have a private tutor. It is a must to have tuition.
Reality: It works for most children, and the best results can be achieved in subjects like Mathematics.

As a matter of fact, children with too many tuitions will tend to feel too much stress. One or two tuitions is alright, but too many might cause the child to lose concentration during class and even fall sick.

Myth 6:My child's success is all due to his hard work, and not my attendance at parent's event.
Reality: Behind a successful child is a super-involved parent.

Most parents think that the child should work hard and get the good results they want. However, research shows that a child will do better in school if the parents are more involved with their education.

Myth 7: Watching educational shows is good for my child and can build up his intelligence.
Reality: TV can restrict your child's development.

Watching the TV too much can cause not only hyperactivity, but also delayed language skills. Research shows that if children under 12 months watch the TV more than 2 hours a day, they are six times more likely to have delayed language skills. Research also shows that children between 16 months and seven years old who watched baby programmes on TV knew less words than those who do not.

Myth 8: Too many sports and ECA will distract my child from his studies.
Reality: Sports actually enhances academic performance.

Sports will enhance a child's socialisation, school engagement and academic motivation abilities. Many students in sports tend to score higher scores. It is proved that during the sporting season, a student's result will improve and drop when it is off- season.

8 things you can do to help your child sail through school

In the recent newspaper article, it shows that there are myths to help your child in school, particularly eight. These are the eight myths.

Myth 1: My child needs to start school as early as possible to give him a head start.
Reality: Delaying entry is actually better for pupils who are not ready for school yet.

I feel that for pupils who are not ready for school yet, it is better for them to have a delayed entry into the school so as to prepare them better. In this way, they can do better in their studies after being prepared.

Myth 2: If my child attends a top school, he will do better as he will thrive in the challenging environment.
Reality: Some high standard students will do better in average-ability schools.

Some students will indeed tend to do better in average schools as their learning abilities far surpasses average students. Other students on the other hand can work better under the pressure of their 'smarter' peers.

Myth 3: Buying my child plenty of books will get him into the habit of reading.
Reality: Spending quality time with your children and reading with them will work better.

I totally agree with this as a child that does not like reading will simply throw the book away. However, if a parent slowly ease the child into the habit of reading, the child will slowly like reading. Another way is to probably let the child read what he likes before letting him read more profound books.

Myth 4: the best way to motivate my child is to praise him when he get good results
Reality: Praise the child for his efforts, not for his results. This might cause him to think that the only way to do well is to get high scores.

If you only praise a on his scores, he will feel disapointed when he gets a low score. However, if you praise him on his efforts, he will feel better as he knows that he had tried his best.

To be continued.....

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Some days back, I went with my family to a pastry shop to buy some cakes. When I was choosing which cake to buy, I noticed something from the corner of my eye. Immediately, I stopped what I was doing and turned around to see what had happened.

There was this little boy who was standing in the pastry shop beside his maid. Judging by his size, he should be around 4 or 5. He was crying very loudly and also started to beat his maid before running away to complain to his mother. About what? I am not very sure myself. However, it seems to me that the little boy is really pampered by his parents. He not only cried loudly in public, he also did not show respect to his maid by beating her. He is also very unreasonable. If he was indeed angry with somebody, he should also not use his maid as a punching bag to vent his anger on. He must understand that the maid is there to help him by doing his chores, preparing food for him, keeping his toys after he play, etc. Therefore, he should treat her as a family member and not his 'slave'.

I also feel that with a maid, the boy will not only become more self-centered, he will also become very dependent on the maid. Although I do not know how the boy treats his maid at home, but his actions towards his maid shows us that he does not treat his maid well.

Therefore, no matter who the party is, we should always show them respect.


There are recently debates on whether schools should implement examinations or rule them out. For those who support the ruling out of examinations,they feel that by ruling out the examinations, the students will be more interested in studying and will not feel so stress. Moreover, they will study independently on the subjects they like.

For people who do not support ruling out examinations, they feel that examinations have an important role to play in a student's life. Examinations is the only way to assess the student's work. I believe in this too. If there were no examinations for the Primary ones and twos, how would they be able to cope in the actual examinations when they study in Primary three? The students can only learn the format of the examinations when they are in Primary three. Furthermore they might make mistakes in the examinations and thus perform badly. Whether a student takes or does not take examinations when they are at lower primary, they will still have to sit for the PSLE. Therefore, isn't it better to let the students understand examinations earlier? Besides, it IS better to let a child learn what is "pressure" at an earlier stage. In this way, the students will learn how to cope with the pressure.

Concluding this post, examinations are good and useful for the students in the long run.

Information from: The Sunday Times, 1 February 2009

Thursday, January 29, 2009

About Blogging

WHAT is a BLOG ?

Definition of blog

A blog is a website owned by an individual who updates it regularly with posts concerning him or anything that interests him. It can contain entries such as music files, graphics or videos.

Many blogs have special focus on certain topics, some blogs are personal online diaries.

HOW did BLOG evolve ?

Timeline of blog

1992Tim Berners-Lee, father of the World Wide Web, first posted a web page that kept a list of all new online web sites.
June 1993The National Center for Supercomputing applications (NCSA) started a “What’s New” list of sites with commentary and sorted by dates.
Jan 1994Justin Hall releases a homepage which would become Links from the Underground. He started writing an online journal with dated daily entries.
April 1997Dave Winer’s company releases all website and blog content software.
Dec 1997Jorn Barger invents the new word web log.
Nov 1998Cameron Barrett kept a list of blog websites.
Early 1999Peter Merholz announced that he was going to pronounce web log as “wee-blog”. It was then shortened into blog.
July 1999Pitas launches the first free build your own blog web tool.
August 1999Pyra releases blogger, which is the most popular blogging tool up till now.

Significant dates

Dawn of internet times: If the internet was not created, there would not have been blogs.

April 1997: When Dave Winer’s company releases blogging software.

July 1999: Pitas launches free build your blog tool.

WHY did BLOGS become popular ?

The rise in popularity of blogging is due to technology and the community effect.

Bandwidth has increased which results in faster access to the internet. With the growing technology, people have easier and faster way of accessing their blogs. Blogs also become popular as there is an increasing number of tools that make creating blogs much easier. People who like to be involved in the community also like to create blogs to share information with like-minded individuals.

The blogging technology has indeed empowered people to create information and be connected in this borderless world.


In blogs, one can share one’s thoughts and feelings with other netizens. Blogging can also act as a form of communication with relatives one seldom meets. However, there are also many disadvantages about blogging. There is little or no privacy in blogs. Anyone who visits one’s blog can read whatever one writes in it. Also, by creating blogs, there is a potential danger that one would be defamed and get threatened. One can also become subjected to abuses and criticism by other visitors to the blog.

I personally feel that the creation of the blog is very good. By writing in a blog, one can share information and thoughts with other people reading one’s blog. However one should also not abuse the blog by using it to defame or insult other people. The blog is also better than a journal as music, videos and templates can be added to it, and so, we should all maintain a good blog and not abuse it.

Sources of information

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Secondary school

After leaving my primary school, I came into this new and foreign place-My secondary school. Upon entering my secondary school, I have to make many decisions such as what CCA to choose rom a long list of somewhat interesting CCAs. Secondary school life also tends to be in a rush as teachers teach much faster and expect us to do our own self-learning. This is really different from my primary school where the teachers spoon-feed us most of the time.

Some greater difference include the school compound. The secondary school is much bigger than my primary school so I often get lost. I should really familiarise myself with the school compound soon before I get lost in the future.

I also worried if I could get along well with my new friends. When I first stepped into the class, I was a little reserved and soft-spoken. However, after realising that my classmates are rather friendly, I no longer feel shy.

The secondary school life also requires us to do a lot of projects. Personally, I feel that I would not be able to cope with the huge amount of projects. On the other hand, I prefer doing worksheets to projects.

All right, I shall stop here for now.