Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My views on lotteries in Singapore

I feel that lottery is not a good thing as it is very addictive. It makes people think that they can strike rich just by buying one ticket and hoping that they can win the money. However, how many chances are there for you to win? Very little. In fact some people would probably buy on a few dollars, and when they win, they would want to buy another ticket of higher value, but they end up winning nothing. This goes on as they think that since they had already won the first time, they should be able to win again and they dream of it coming true.

In the youtube video, the man said to his daughter" My luck is changing, I am going to strike a big one. Just one last try. I will return it back to you". This is probably the fifth time he is saying it. The gamblers are so addicted to the game that they tell lies over and over again to buy lottery tickets, wishing that they would strike rich one day. He even says that his luck is changing, and he is going to strike a big one. he is most likely just wishing that he would strike it big. Nobody can tell whether you have the luck or not.

Next, we move on to the girl. By the looks on her face, the father has borrowed money from her many times, and despite his promises to give her back the money, she never gets it back. Isn't it ironic that a parent has to borrow money from his child?Even when she is so young? We can see that gambling, or even buying a lottery ticket is addictive and will harm not only yourself, but your family.

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