Sunday, February 8, 2009

8 things you can do to help your child sail through school part 2

Myth 5: My has to have a private tutor. It is a must to have tuition.
Reality: It works for most children, and the best results can be achieved in subjects like Mathematics.

As a matter of fact, children with too many tuitions will tend to feel too much stress. One or two tuitions is alright, but too many might cause the child to lose concentration during class and even fall sick.

Myth 6:My child's success is all due to his hard work, and not my attendance at parent's event.
Reality: Behind a successful child is a super-involved parent.

Most parents think that the child should work hard and get the good results they want. However, research shows that a child will do better in school if the parents are more involved with their education.

Myth 7: Watching educational shows is good for my child and can build up his intelligence.
Reality: TV can restrict your child's development.

Watching the TV too much can cause not only hyperactivity, but also delayed language skills. Research shows that if children under 12 months watch the TV more than 2 hours a day, they are six times more likely to have delayed language skills. Research also shows that children between 16 months and seven years old who watched baby programmes on TV knew less words than those who do not.

Myth 8: Too many sports and ECA will distract my child from his studies.
Reality: Sports actually enhances academic performance.

Sports will enhance a child's socialisation, school engagement and academic motivation abilities. Many students in sports tend to score higher scores. It is proved that during the sporting season, a student's result will improve and drop when it is off- season.

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