Sunday, February 8, 2009

8 things you can do to help your child sail through school

In the recent newspaper article, it shows that there are myths to help your child in school, particularly eight. These are the eight myths.

Myth 1: My child needs to start school as early as possible to give him a head start.
Reality: Delaying entry is actually better for pupils who are not ready for school yet.

I feel that for pupils who are not ready for school yet, it is better for them to have a delayed entry into the school so as to prepare them better. In this way, they can do better in their studies after being prepared.

Myth 2: If my child attends a top school, he will do better as he will thrive in the challenging environment.
Reality: Some high standard students will do better in average-ability schools.

Some students will indeed tend to do better in average schools as their learning abilities far surpasses average students. Other students on the other hand can work better under the pressure of their 'smarter' peers.

Myth 3: Buying my child plenty of books will get him into the habit of reading.
Reality: Spending quality time with your children and reading with them will work better.

I totally agree with this as a child that does not like reading will simply throw the book away. However, if a parent slowly ease the child into the habit of reading, the child will slowly like reading. Another way is to probably let the child read what he likes before letting him read more profound books.

Myth 4: the best way to motivate my child is to praise him when he get good results
Reality: Praise the child for his efforts, not for his results. This might cause him to think that the only way to do well is to get high scores.

If you only praise a on his scores, he will feel disapointed when he gets a low score. However, if you praise him on his efforts, he will feel better as he knows that he had tried his best.

To be continued.....

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