Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Book review on ' The growing pains of Adrian Mole'

I have read this book over the school holidays and this is a review on it. This book is written in the format of a diary of Adrian Mole, very much like the format of ' Nothing but the truth' . It does not seem to have a specific plot, but the events which are taking place are indeed the pains of Adrian as the slowly matures.

He starts to experience different changes within his body. His parents also broke up, leaving him very worried. Next, his parents gave birth to another child, named rosie, and starts to neglet him. He feels surprised that Rosie gats applauses for doing someting very little. Finally, he could not tolerate it any more and he ran from home. However, even when he is away from home, he desperately seeks attention by reporting to the police that ' a boy named Adrian Mole was missing'.
He is also a boy who loves poems and wants his poems to be known.

I feel that this book is very interesting as it is purely written in a diary form and the story goes only from Adrian's point of view.I look foward to reading more books of this series.

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