Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Secondary school

After leaving my primary school, I came into this new and foreign place-My secondary school. Upon entering my secondary school, I have to make many decisions such as what CCA to choose rom a long list of somewhat interesting CCAs. Secondary school life also tends to be in a rush as teachers teach much faster and expect us to do our own self-learning. This is really different from my primary school where the teachers spoon-feed us most of the time.

Some greater difference include the school compound. The secondary school is much bigger than my primary school so I often get lost. I should really familiarise myself with the school compound soon before I get lost in the future.

I also worried if I could get along well with my new friends. When I first stepped into the class, I was a little reserved and soft-spoken. However, after realising that my classmates are rather friendly, I no longer feel shy.

The secondary school life also requires us to do a lot of projects. Personally, I feel that I would not be able to cope with the huge amount of projects. On the other hand, I prefer doing worksheets to projects.

All right, I shall stop here for now.

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