Monday, March 9, 2009

'website' on what Phillip Malloy had gone through

What I have gone through this year:

Hi there people. I have started this website to pen down my thoughts and feelings over this year. I guess I am already quite 'famous' for the chaos I have caused, and the first thing I would like to do in this website is to apologise to my past teachers and school. To Harrison School District: I would like to apologise for my past actions. I have caused you much trouble and is feeling deeply remorse. I apologise profusely especially to the wonderful teacher that got fired because of me: Ms Narwin. From the bottom of my heart to Ms Narwin-- I am very sorry.

Talk again next time,

Back again. I would like to talk about my on Tuesday, March 13. It was this day that Coach Jamison asked me to be on his track team. At that moment, I was feeling so happy as wel as excited as I thought that I might even go into the olympics. Ha. Wishful thinking on my part. I have found out after much pondering that I was indeed very imature then. I was too conceited with my 'achievements' and even thought that I will be the champion of various competitions. It was ridiculous. I thought that I was a running prodigy or something. In the end, due to my bad grades, I did not even get into the track team.

Another incident that happened today was when I found out that Allison likes me. I thought that she liked me because I was so funny and humorous and that I was very sporty. I even created something to describe myself, 'malloy magic'. This was such a lame thinking. By creating more jokes and letting the teachers feel annoyed, Allison slowly hated me.

These two incidents taught me not to be so conceited and boastful as they might 'lead to my downfall' Last but not least, from the bottom of my heart to Ms Narwin-- I am very sorry.

Talk again next time,

Back again. I would like to talk about the days before and after my English test. I was suppose to do a review on the book, The Call of the wind, and I found out that I actually slept and did not read at all. This made me feel annoyed and I thought that there might be an easier way to pass this test. I decided that I could get a good grade if I can get Ms Narwin to laugh at my answer. Thinking about it now, I find myself very dumb then. The only way to get a good grade was to study hard. I should have made use of the time to al least do some last minute work instead of thinking of what answers can make Ms Narwin laugh. Looking at my paper, I do not know if I should laugh or cry.

From this, I have learn to be more hardworking as hardwork IS indeed the most important factor for us to excel. Last but not least, from the bottom of my heart to Ms Narwin-- I am very sorry.

Talk again next time,

Wednesday, March 28. It was this day when all the madness started. I can still remember that it was a B day. When the national anthem started playing, I just started humming the anthem despite specific instructions from Dr. Doane that we were supposed to stand in respectful silence. As a matter of fact, I did not even realise I was humming until Ms Narwin asked me to stop. However, after Ms Narwin told me to stop humming, I purposely hummed to make her annoyed. I so should not have done that. When I went home, I even related the whole incident to my parents, despite the fact that I was actually in the wrong. I also made a big fuss that she yelled at me.

Today Allison wanted to sit with me on the bus. However, I was feeling upset about me unable to get onto the track team and ignored her. I was so upset and that added to my anger.

Talk again next time,

March 29. I started humming again. This time, I did not listen to Ms Narwin and carried on humming. In the end, I got sent to Dr. Palleni. I could have taken the easier and more practical way out, but I decided to choose the hard way--suspension. It was all due to my stubborn behaviour that caused this unthinkable and horrendous incident. I felt that I was not in the wrong and did not think that Ms Narwin was only doing her job. I even lied that I sang the national anthem, when I was only humming to myself. I really do not know why I wanted to let the situation become big.

I related the incident again to my parents, and I can't believe how they ask me to stand up for my own rights. They did not even stand up for themselves! I should never have done this thing just for mischief. I never knew how big the impact would be.......

Talk again next time,

Friday,March 30. Yeah, sang the national anthem again and BOOM, got sent to Dr Palleni's office. He gave me two choices, apologise to Ms Narwin or get a two day suspension. Being stubborn that I was not in the wrong, I obviously chose the two day suspension. Dr. Palleni called my parents down and told them on how I broke the school rules. All I was thinking then was that Ms Narwin was in the fault and did not think that I was in the fault too. The school rules stated that we were not supposed to make any noise when the national anthem is being played, but I still hummed it. As a matter of fact, Ms Narwin was only doing her job and following the school rules. This incident caused so many people to be upset. However, this was only the beginning and there was more that was going to happen in the two day suspension.

Talk again next time,

During the two day suspension, my father brought me over to our neighbour, Ted Griffen, who was running for the school board. I did not want to get into further trouble, but my father insisted on me telling him the story. What a coincidence, ted Griffen was talking to a reporter. He figured that this story would get him on the school board and thus wanted me to relate the story to Jennifer Steward, the reporter. And while telling the story, I actually added in fabrications like how I sang it when I actually hummed it, and how I said I was patriotic when I actually was unaware I was humming.

The strange thing is that after relating these to the reporter, I did not feel good about it. I felt that I was right, everybody felt I was right, but I did not feel happy or glad. Instead, I felt that I have done something wrong. Even up till now, I cannot explain why I felt that way. Anyway, I did not feel good about it. Maybe my conscience or something.

Talk again next time,

April fools. This incident became public. I did not believe it at first and thought that it was only an April fools trick. However, there really is an article on me. They mentioned that the school did have a rule that does not allow students to sing or even hum the national anthem. But based on what I have gathered from interviewed teachers, they said that there was no such rule. From this, I can know that the news is indeed slanted towards my side of the story to make it more interesting.

When I read the article, I got the same feeling again. I did not feel happy or glad when I read the article, but felt sad and moody instead. Despite this, I did not change and even wanted Ms Narwin to get fired because of this article.

Talk again next time,

Things have passed so quickly. I recieved many messages, got transferred to Mr Lunser's class, Ms Narwin retired. And before I knew it, I went into Washington academy. There, my secret was exposed and I became from famous to infamous. Nobody would play with me or even sit close to me. This caused me to regret telling such a lie then and getting myself into such a big mess.

For people who is still unclear of the outcome of this incident, here it is. I have been telling a huge lie and now, it has been exposed. Harrison Highschool is a very good school. I apologise for the mistake I have made.

Last and final post,

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Personally, I feel that it is very good of the teachers to insist on us that we must have a school blog. By constantly putting up new blogs, it can improve our English as well as let us write down what we think about some things happening around us. It has also made things much more easier for us and the teachers as we can just post our ACE projects online.

However, there are some bad things about having us to post our projects online. Sometimes, it is very difficult to post more advanced objects onto the blog, for example a table, and we might not be able to do the project as well as if we did it on a hard copy and handed it up to the teachers.

There are also good things about the blog too. It helps us improve on perhaps our composition skills as by publishing posts, we are actually in a way practising on our writing skills. If we really put our heart into writing a blog post, it will help a lot in writing our compositions. By posting advanced items on the blog, it can also train our computer skills. Blogging has also served as my hobby of some sort as I can 'pen' down my thoughts into it.

If you were to sit down and think, you will find out we actually benefit a lot from blogging.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


The past week, Clarence went to compete in the 'A new generation of loquacious English speakers",
ANGLES, competition. His topic was on Singaporean kiasuism. Boon or bane. I personally felt that his speech was really excellent and I would never be able to speak like that in front of all the secondary 1 level.

The contestants had to present a prepared speech as well as an impromptu speech. Clarence did really well in the prepared speech section and also did pretty well in the impromptu speech. His impromptu speech was on facebook.

I feel that speaking in front of a large crowd is very frightening. Many people might get stage fright when they have to do something in front of many people. I feel that clarence is indeed very brave, to be able to give such a speech. I on the other hand, will even feel that my hands turn clammy when I went for the DSA interview. Facing a panel of judges is scary enough, what's more, a large crowd of people.

Cheers to Clarence.


In the past week, time seemed to have passed very quickly for me. In this week, our class received many test paper and I am not very sure why myself, but the days seem to pass in a flash.

Time is very precious. You cannot stop it or reverse it. Many people would love to control time, even me. As someone had mentioned in the ANGLES finals, people writing about time machines, thinking about time machines, is a proof of man's desire to control time. Time seem to pass quickly when we are having fun, but seem to drag its feet when we are waiting for something or someone. However, isn't it true that everyone has 24h, and how people use it is all up to them.

We must use our time wisely. Time never waits for man. Spend your time doing meaningful things even after finishing your work, or watch the television and rush your homework last minute. You decide.