Friday, July 3, 2009

poem analysis c)

One-Dollar Gambler

I have one dollar to bet on number 13
One dollar for a loaf of bread
With a piece of ham, sandwiched between two slices of tomato.
One dollar for a hot milk tea
Before work time starts.
One dollar for some paper and ink
And some knowledge for a blind man.
One dollar each morning,
One dollar each night and for each brick I laid.
But, I bet one dollar. The counter closed
The next day number 13 appeared
In the middle of my drowsy eyes
On top of my nose
Or somewhere in between the hollowness
Of my empty hands.
I now have zero dollars to bet
Zero dollars for bread, tea, paper, ink and bricks!
Zero dollars, again, for number 13.

by Phan Thi Nam Mai

Again this poem shows how you can lose everything you have or you can have in just one gamble. The author here shows that he has a dollar to spend on different things like a loaf of bread with ham and tomatoes, something that is really important to him. However, he loses that one dollar after gambling and is now left with nothing at all

poem analysis b)

The Green Clothes

The colourful tips,
The smoke,
The dry lips,
The tired voice, “No more bets”
The hands,
Erratic sights,
Constrained tones,
Mesmerizing lights,
Twenty eight seconds of roulette’s spin
Nervously jigging ball
The clothes are green
Somewhere, in another world,
The ringing of falling coins
and obtrusive melody: “Tu-ru-ru-ruuuu”….
These are very, very far.
His body, glance, nerves,
Brain, space and time are
Condensed in the small ball,
Which is trembling in the circle.
Dryness in the throat. That is all:
Morning, 4:48, emptiness … .
The blazing desire to win back,
To take revenge, to bring back
The nerves, the time, the brain
And all that was spent in vain.

by Gulnara Karimova

This poem shows how addictive gambling can be. Despite the author being so tired , he wants to continue gambling to recover his loss. "The ringing of falling coins
and obtrusive melody: “Tu-ru-ru-ruuuu”….
These are very, very far."
These few lines also emphasises how winning in a gamble in so difficult

poem analysis a)

Tom Beatty-

I was a lawyer like Harmon Whitney
Or Kinsey Keene or Garrison Standard,
For I tried the rights of property,
Although by lamp-light, for thirty years,
In that poker room in the opera house.
And I say to you that Life’s a gambler
Head and shoulders above us all.
No mayor alive can close the house.
And if you lose, you can squeal as you will;
You’ll not get back your money.
He makes the percentage hard to conquer;
He stacks the cards to catch your weakness
And not to meet your strength.
And he gives you seventy years to play:
For if you cannot win in seventy
You cannot win at all.
So, if you lose, get out of the room—
Get out of the room when your time is up.
It’s mean to sit and fumble the cards,
And curse your losses, leaden-eyed,
Whining to try and try

This poem shows how you can never win in a gamble and that the banker will meet your weakness in order not to let you win. The author also shows how he was a lawyer before but ever since he started gambling, he lost everything he had. This further shows how bad gambling is and how you can lose everything you have just by gambling.

Lesson 4 (b)

Ah Boh was too addicted to gambling, buying lottery tickets in her case. She resorted to different means to get numbers which she thinks are " lucky " and bets on them. She strongly believes in luck and that one day she would win some money.

She is always very excited about different events or accidents. For example, if there were a car accident, she would rush to the scene to get the number of the car plate which she presumes to be lucky.She also weighs her neighbbour's cat to find out its weight and even bet on the number. Another shocking thing is that she does not pay her respects to her dead husband and instead asks him for some numbers so that she can win some money.

She is too addicted to getting the numbers that she does not even care about the live or death of the people involved in the car accident or even respect her husband when he is dead.

Lesson 4 (a)

I am unable to post on Mr Balan's website, so I am writing my views here.

I feel that the main cause of Paul's death was his Uncle Oscar. He was the one who encouraged him to bet on horses and cause him to get addicted to it. As an adult, he himself should not be addicted to it and even if he is, he should not encourage Paul to gamble and even " try" to get the winning horse from God.

However, the garderner, Bassett was at fault too. He should not have allowed Paul to start betting on horses and resulting in him being addicted to it. He helped him keep his money and even became partners with him, letting him think that it is not wrong to bet on horses

Paul's mother is partly at fault too. She led Paul into thinking that they did not have money because they are unlucky. This caused paul to think that he is lucky and he must help his mother earn some money.

This story also shows how people will get addicted to gambling. The house" whispered" that they needed money at first because they were poor and they needed the money to survive. However, when paul got a lot of money, the house seemed to " shout" that they needed more money. This shows how Paul wanted even more money as he started to win money.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My views on casinos in Singapore

I personally feel that building casinos in Singapore has its pros and cons. First let us start with its pros. It is good because it provides jobs for people, attracts tourists to Singapore, and also earn money for Singapore. Many jobless people would have new jobs and more tourists will come. This is not a bad thing too.

However, with the pros comes the cons. gambling itself is already a terrible and addictive thing. I am sure Singapore banned it at first to prevent Singaporeans from being addicted to gambling. With this new casino, more people will visit it and in turn get addicted to it and soon, many problems will arise. But, based on the information I have gathered, people are able to ban their family members from entering the casino. If you fear your family members from being addicted to it, you can call them to ban your family members.

My views on lotteries in Singapore

I feel that lottery is not a good thing as it is very addictive. It makes people think that they can strike rich just by buying one ticket and hoping that they can win the money. However, how many chances are there for you to win? Very little. In fact some people would probably buy on a few dollars, and when they win, they would want to buy another ticket of higher value, but they end up winning nothing. This goes on as they think that since they had already won the first time, they should be able to win again and they dream of it coming true.

In the youtube video, the man said to his daughter" My luck is changing, I am going to strike a big one. Just one last try. I will return it back to you". This is probably the fifth time he is saying it. The gamblers are so addicted to the game that they tell lies over and over again to buy lottery tickets, wishing that they would strike rich one day. He even says that his luck is changing, and he is going to strike a big one. he is most likely just wishing that he would strike it big. Nobody can tell whether you have the luck or not.

Next, we move on to the girl. By the looks on her face, the father has borrowed money from her many times, and despite his promises to give her back the money, she never gets it back. Isn't it ironic that a parent has to borrow money from his child?Even when she is so young? We can see that gambling, or even buying a lottery ticket is addictive and will harm not only yourself, but your family.