Thursday, January 29, 2009

About Blogging

WHAT is a BLOG ?

Definition of blog

A blog is a website owned by an individual who updates it regularly with posts concerning him or anything that interests him. It can contain entries such as music files, graphics or videos.

Many blogs have special focus on certain topics, some blogs are personal online diaries.

HOW did BLOG evolve ?

Timeline of blog

1992Tim Berners-Lee, father of the World Wide Web, first posted a web page that kept a list of all new online web sites.
June 1993The National Center for Supercomputing applications (NCSA) started a “What’s New” list of sites with commentary and sorted by dates.
Jan 1994Justin Hall releases a homepage which would become Links from the Underground. He started writing an online journal with dated daily entries.
April 1997Dave Winer’s company releases all website and blog content software.
Dec 1997Jorn Barger invents the new word web log.
Nov 1998Cameron Barrett kept a list of blog websites.
Early 1999Peter Merholz announced that he was going to pronounce web log as “wee-blog”. It was then shortened into blog.
July 1999Pitas launches the first free build your own blog web tool.
August 1999Pyra releases blogger, which is the most popular blogging tool up till now.

Significant dates

Dawn of internet times: If the internet was not created, there would not have been blogs.

April 1997: When Dave Winer’s company releases blogging software.

July 1999: Pitas launches free build your blog tool.

WHY did BLOGS become popular ?

The rise in popularity of blogging is due to technology and the community effect.

Bandwidth has increased which results in faster access to the internet. With the growing technology, people have easier and faster way of accessing their blogs. Blogs also become popular as there is an increasing number of tools that make creating blogs much easier. People who like to be involved in the community also like to create blogs to share information with like-minded individuals.

The blogging technology has indeed empowered people to create information and be connected in this borderless world.


In blogs, one can share one’s thoughts and feelings with other netizens. Blogging can also act as a form of communication with relatives one seldom meets. However, there are also many disadvantages about blogging. There is little or no privacy in blogs. Anyone who visits one’s blog can read whatever one writes in it. Also, by creating blogs, there is a potential danger that one would be defamed and get threatened. One can also become subjected to abuses and criticism by other visitors to the blog.

I personally feel that the creation of the blog is very good. By writing in a blog, one can share information and thoughts with other people reading one’s blog. However one should also not abuse the blog by using it to defame or insult other people. The blog is also better than a journal as music, videos and templates can be added to it, and so, we should all maintain a good blog and not abuse it.

Sources of information

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Secondary school

After leaving my primary school, I came into this new and foreign place-My secondary school. Upon entering my secondary school, I have to make many decisions such as what CCA to choose rom a long list of somewhat interesting CCAs. Secondary school life also tends to be in a rush as teachers teach much faster and expect us to do our own self-learning. This is really different from my primary school where the teachers spoon-feed us most of the time.

Some greater difference include the school compound. The secondary school is much bigger than my primary school so I often get lost. I should really familiarise myself with the school compound soon before I get lost in the future.

I also worried if I could get along well with my new friends. When I first stepped into the class, I was a little reserved and soft-spoken. However, after realising that my classmates are rather friendly, I no longer feel shy.

The secondary school life also requires us to do a lot of projects. Personally, I feel that I would not be able to cope with the huge amount of projects. On the other hand, I prefer doing worksheets to projects.

All right, I shall stop here for now.