Friday, October 23, 2009

My Sec 1 Experience

One year has passed since I first stepped into Hwachong Institution to further my studies. Life here have been very enjoyable and fun. I have experienced many different things here, the new programmes, different teachers, and of course the new demerit point system which was not present in my primary school.

One of the system that I really enjoy is the exemption of examinations for certain subjects if you do really well in the subject before in various class tests. This allows us to focus more on subjects we are weak in, and score better in that subject. Unlike some of the more clever people, I was only exempted for 1 subject. However, because of that, I felt that I could concentrate better on other subjects.

Another term that I did not do very well in my tests was term 3. I have only gotten a 2.67, however, I could feel that I could have done much better. I suppose that I was too proud as my term 2 grades were quite good at 1.00. I have learnt from this that I cannot be proud as this would only lead to my downfall. Like English, my teacher had told me not to be proud and complacent, however, I turned a deaf ear to it and gotten an undesirable score.

My CCA this year(probably the rest of the years as well), is Scouts. I have placed Scouts as one of my top choices and I am very happy to have been chosen into it. Life at Scouts was very enjoyable and fun. I have learnt many new things that I would not have learnt joining another CCA. I have also achieved a scout standard at the end of this year and I am very happy about that. I believe that I would continue scouts after I leave Hwachong Institution( hopefully for the Hwachong college).

Another "memorable" thing that happened this year is when I gotten my very first demerit point. I was playing with one of my classmates loudly and was unfortunately caught by one of the teachers there. They complained that we were behaiving very badly and warned us that we would get demerit point for our unruly behaiviour. I was very worried then, but after much thought, I realised that I deserved that demerit point as I was indeed very rowdy then.

And on another occasion, I arrived late for assembly with most of my classmates and was scolded by the teacher-in-charge. I had actually thought that there was no assembly as it was raining, however, when I reached the terraces, we realised trhat there was actually assembly and that we are late. However, due to some unexpected kindness from the teacher in charge, we were let off with severe warnings but no demerit points. From this, I have learnt that there is no harm in checking whether there is assembly. Do not jump to conclusions that just because there is a light drizzle, we can skip assembly.

Overall, life was fun at Hwachong Institution. There were ups and downs, but ultimately, we benefit from these scoldings and teachings. I have really enjoyed my first year at HCI and I look foward to another fruitful year when I am in secondary 2.